The JACT Durham Greek & Latin Summer School was initially in partnership with the Joint Association of Classical Teachers (JACT) and the Centre for Lifelong Learning at Newcastle University. When Lifelong Learning departments closed, we joined the JACT Summer Schools Trust (JSST).
We still attract learners from a wide range of age groups (16-80+), which, along with university accommodation, gives the JACT Durham Greek & Latin Summer School its distinctive character. Our Higher level courses offer preparation for A Levels whilst also giving students a taste of university life.
The JACT Summer Schools Trust (JSST) runs Summer Schools each year, as follows:
The JACT Greek Summer School, held at Bryanston School, Dorset: www.greeksummerschool.org
The JACT Latin Summer School, held in Harrogate, North Yorkshire: http://www.latincamp.co.uk
The JACT Classical Civilisation and Ancient History Summer School, held at Repton School, Derbyshire:
The JACT Greek and Latin Summer School, held at St John’s College, Durham: www.durhamglss.org
​JACT Summer Schools Trust
Registered charity number 1137562. Company, number 07331184
A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England and Wales
Registered office: 10, Market Walk, Saffron Walden, CB10 1JZ

"Another great week at the JACT Summer School in Durham. The Higher Greek group included students of every age and our sessions were a good mixture of translation of two original texts, plus grammar exercises which concentrated on areas necessary to improve the accuracy of our work. The tutor was rigorous in ensuring we understood every element of the Greek original but encouraged discussion regarding the works themselves and our translations. I always enjoy the evening lectures as a rare opportunity to hear about specialist Classical research areas from an expert, and of course all this is in the company of friends old and new"
“I just wanted to express my appreciation for the Summer School and your efforts to ensure that everyone had the best experience there, I certainly had a wonderful time. It was the first time I’d plunged myself back into Latin in over 40 years and I had such a great time that I’m kicking myself that I left it this long!”
“The Summer School offers something for everyone. Whether you’re a first-timer, or one of the many returners, you’ll find yourself among fellow Classics enthusiasts, making new friends, or catching up with existing ones. All-in-all, a welcoming atmosphere in the lovely surroundings of St. John’s College. Your tutors guide you through your studies, be your group Beginners, where you’ll take your first steps, or Advanced where you’ll be digging deep into the original texts of the greats of Greek and Roman literature. In your down time you can visit the lovely city of Durham itself, stroll through the cloisters of the cathedral, or take a trip to Hadrian’s Wall, at the “Edge of Empire”. Don’t miss it. See you in 2024.”
“The Durham Summer School is probably unique in the number of adult students it has (alongside the
many school-age students). There’s always a big sociable mix, with everyone from Classics students,
teachers brushing up on their topic, retirees, and working-age people like me who do this as a hobby.
People come from all over the globe. The many regular attendees are welcoming to new faces, and it
being a residential course, there’s lots of time to meet and chat over meals, coffees, and at the bar in
the evening. I’m just sorry I didn’t learn about this years ago!”
“I found out about the course from social media. It had never crossed my mind to do a residential Greek course (having just taken up the language as a hobby earlier in the year) but I am delighted I took the week off work and came. Very significant care is taken to ensure that students are working at
a level that is suitable for their abilities. Our tutor demonstrated an extraordinary passion for not just the language but the culture and the literature: it really was a wonderful way to spend a week away from the usual stresses of working life.”
"I can’t thank the staff at the Durham Greek Latin Summer School enough. From the in-house catering staff and the amazing tutors delivering the classes. The university is a truly magnificent place, and the surroundings are beautiful, a place that I will definitely return to next summer. The Latin class has definitely helped me to understand this unique ancient language and increase my
knowledge of the Roman world. I’m continuing my studies on a daily basis, and this is all thanks to the Durham Greek Latin Summer School. I’ve made new friends for life. I can highly recommend the Summer School to anyone who is interested in the Ancient Greek or Roman world".
At the JACT Durham Greek & Latin Summer School, we attract learners from all different backgrounds.
Here's what Latin and Humanities Teacher, Rosalind Stuart, wrote about her experience at the Summer School in 2024.
​"I decided to sign up for the intermediate Latin course at the JACT Durham Greek & Latin Summer School in 2024. I teach Primary and Keystage 3 Latin at Polam Hall School in Darlington. I was looking for a way to improve my skills in teaching more complex forms of syntax and grammar as my pupils work through the course material and we progress the school towards offering Latin GCSE. Quite frankly, my own relatively dusty linguistic skills needed a brush up as well.
I was really open about what I wanted to get out of my time at the Summer School, and found both the organising team and my tutor to be accommodating and thoughtful in their approach. In terms of the structure of the course as an experience, the blend between tutorials, study time, daytime lectures and evening lectures is a really good mix. It allows for downtime and exploration of Durham, and indeed the Classical World of the North East of England and beyond. The course also gives you the opportunity to really get into the weeds of the coursework with like-minded people at a similar level and pace in terms of their understanding and application of the classical languages. Many a happy hour was spent in between sessions with other folk in my group completing translations to prepare ourselves for the next new concept.
I was sceptical that the JACT Durham Greek & Latin Summer School would be right for my needs, and I worried that as a teacher of Latin I might be viewed as a bit odd for wanting to attend the course. I was completely wrong! The course has really rejuvenated my love of syntax and grammar and given me a lot more confidence in my own abilities. It's worth mentioning that that breadth and depth of the lunchtime and evening lectures really are a huge plus of the overall course offering. I had the chance to brush up on both Aristotle and Plato as well as learning new things about the later Roman Empire, and the practicalities of creating and using curse tablets.
I will be back for the JACT Durham Greek & Latin Summer School in 2025!"​​​